Importance and Virtue of Hajj

     Those on whom Hajj has been made obligatory, by renouncing all kinds of arguments, by renouncing all kinds of delusions of mind, by renouncing all kinds of misconceptions, the intention of Hajj must mature. That is why I say that there are many kinds of wahwachha in the minds of many people about Hajj. People's biggest wish in this regard is that we do this in the future. This is the biggest waschwaach I'll make up front. Many people will do it in front of us, we will do it in front of them. But Hajj is an important Shariah obligation. It is one of the five pillars of Islam. So after Hajj has become obligatory, if I delay in performing this important obligatory Hajj, the more I delay, the more sinful I will continue to be. And God forbid, if I die without Hajj because of this delay, who will guarantee that I will not die? If I die without this happening, how harshly did the Prophet (peace be upon him) say this about me. He said:

سن سات ولم يحج وعليه حجج فليمت ان شاء جهودية واان يشاان يصۆ (مشكوة عن الدارمي)

    In other words, I do not care if a person dies without performing Hajj without any excuse, even after Hajj becomes obligatory, whether he dies as a Jew or as a Nazarene. One of the followers of the Prophet (peace be upon him) will die as a Jew or as a Christian, and the Prophet (peace be upon him) will not pity him. Then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said this with a very strong attitude towards those who died without performing Hajj. From this it is clear that not performing Hajj after Hajj has become obligatory is a grave sin. And if, according to the words of the Prophet (peace be upon him), his name really rises in the list of Jews or Christians because he died without performing Hajj after Hajj became obligatory, then there will be no other way. However, the reason for not doing Hajj is that many of us say we will do it in the future.

    Many people have a dilemma that doing Hajj will cost such a huge amount of money! Some people object to the Hajj that it costs a lot of foreign currency on the hood, which cannot handle the economy of poor countries like us. Even during the sacrifice, these people keep saying that such a huge amount of money is being spent on the sacrifice! As many animals are slaughtered in one day as would be slaughtered for a whole year. The issue of Hajj and Sacrifice is actually so nice for the economy, but they spend more money on in-game money, dance songs, etc., but they are not seen crying. In fact, all these arguments are against Islam. Some even say that Hajj is a fair of men and women from abroad. This is a diabolical statement to make people perform Hajj. Such a statement demeans an important worship of Islam. Such a statement goes into the disbelief stage. May Allah protect us.

    Many of us are in many other misconceptions about Hajj. Many people think that children cannot go to Hajj without marriage. It is said that boys and girls have become suitable. How can I go to Hajj without marriage? In this way many people withdraw from Hajj. It is important to remember that marriage is one obligation, Hajj is another obligation. One of the excuses of one duty cannot be left behind. After the marriage of the Mail boy, there is no such thing before Hajj. If Hajj is obligatory, I will perform Hajj. When the marriage is settled for the boy and the daughter, I will marry them. A boy and a girl cannot be suspended from marriage. When marriage becomes fit for marriage, we pray, we fast, we do business, we do business. If I can do these things without marrying them, why can't I do Hajj? It is not legitimate to hang Hajj on the marriage of a boy and a daughter.

    Some people think that you have to buy land, not to buy land and how to do Hajj, how to do Hajj without building a house. In this way, the money is ready to buy the land, then the Hajj is not performed again, if the Hajj is obligatory, then for some reason he does not have the money, the money becomes zero, but the obligatory one remains in his custody. If he cannot earn this duty, he will have to go to the grave with sin. This excuse could not be saved, that my money was gone, and then the money did not come into the hands of Hajj, so I have no fault. If Hajj is obligatory, it is not before the purchase of land, but before Hajj. If Hajj is obligatory, it is not before performing the house. Whether the land is bought or not, the house or not, whether the house is finished or not, Hajj must be performed if it is obligatory. If the land is not bought so that it is not made into a home, you will not have to answer to Allah, but if the obligatory Hajj does not perform the Hajj, you will have to be held accountable and imprisoned.

    Many brothers are victims of the misconception that my parents did not perform Hajj as I would perform Hajj. They do not perform Hajj as a result of this misconception. Suppose that if the mother is not Malda, if zakat is not obligatory, or even if she does not pay zakat despite the obligations of zakat, then I will not pay zakat even if it is obligatory on me? Parents do not wear zakat. But if I have goods, Zakat will be obligatory on me. Zakat is not obligatory for parents here. Accordingly, if I have goods, Hajj will be obligatory for me, if there are no goods of parents, then Hajj will not be obligatory for parents. That's why I can't perform Hajj because they didn't perform Hajj, it's a stupid argument. The worship of one person cannot be associated with the worship of another person, who if I am not, I will not be. I don't pray because I don't pray? I have to do my duty. Because of all these misconceptions, Hajj will not be released.

    Many people like to spend so much money for Hajj, they do business with it for a few more days, then they earn, I will do Hajj with that profit. Turns out he was chasing the Hajj in Maya money. Many people are not going to perform the Hajj in May because of the falling money. These people must remember that Hajj Umrah does not reduce money but increases it. Hajj Umrah is not lacking in deficiency, but the deficiency in blessings is removed. Hadith arrived -

تعبوا بين الحج والعمرة فينهما ينفيان الفقر والسنون دات؆ب -دااوب -دانوب -سنوا

    This means that you continue to perform Hajj Umrah, one by one to do one after the other. This Hajj Umrah will also eradicate your sins and also remove the deficiency. It is clear from this hadeeth that Hajj Umrah will not decrease the money but will not increase it, the deficiency will not be exhausted. There are many gods in the world who perform Hajj, Umrah every year. Alhamdulillah is their money every year. Their scarcity does not increase but decreases, their money does not decrease but increases. Hadith's words are not false. If I have a weakness in my faith, then different things. But if Prop

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The call of Islam and Faith

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Prayers and methods of slaughtering Qurbani animals

Hajj 2022

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