The reward of Kabul Hajj is found in the
eyes of grace towards parents
There are only three things in the world that are rewarding. Kaaba Sharif, Qur'an Sharif and appearance of parents. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: 'When a child looks at his parents with a look of grace, Allah will reward him with one reward for accepting Hajj in exchange for every look he looks'.
If a person performs Hajj, he will never be able to say that his Hajj has been accepted. What can be bigger than this!
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) cursed them that children do not serve their parents. According to a hadith, one Friday the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ascended the first step of the pulpit and said, 'Amen!'
Then he stepped on the second step and said, 'Amen!'
Then he stepped on the third step and said, "Amen!"
He then preached a sermon and said a prayer. At the end of the prayer, the Companions asked: O Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)! What I saw today, never before, is this a new rule? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “No, this is not a new rule, but when I ascended the pulpit, Gabriel (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came. When I stepped on the first step of the pulpit, he said, "Allah said: 'May those perish who have not attained Paradise in the service of either their parents or one of them in old age.' Then I (Allah's Messenger) agreed and said: Amen! (In any case). When I stepped on the second step, he said, "Allah says: 'May those who accepted Ramadan but were unable to forgive their sins perish.' Then I said: Amen! When I entered the third step of the pulpit, he said, Allah said, may those who heard your holy name Mubarak (Muhammad SAW) but did not recite Darood Sharif be destroyed. Then I agreed and said, 'Amen!' (Muslim Sharif).
God is pleased with the satisfaction of parents and God is displeased with the displeasure of parents. May Allah grant us tawfiq to attain the satisfaction of our parents and attain Paradise, Amen.
Nafl Fasting/Days on which it is forbidden to fast
Theory, Fazael and Masael of the Qurbani
Rules of performing two rak'ats of repentance prayers
In which the prayers are accepted quickly
At that time the prayer is accepted
History of Qurbani and conditions of being wajib
Virtuesand issues of Eid prayers
Prayers and methods of slaughtering Qurbani animals